We 67 English

German Newspaper from 1944
German newspaper
Propaganda poster/leaflet

Here's another excerpt from the book transcribed from the diary of a POW in WW2. British Army Royal Engineers Sapper Bill Warren was prisoner for four years, in Germany, working on oil refineries near Berlin producing fuel and lubricants for Germany's war machine. 

About ½ an hour later we met him again, & he invited us up to his home, telling us that his wife spoke a little English, and would be most pleased to cook for us any food we were unable to cook at the farm. We spent a very pleasant hour there – the first time we had enjoyed the comforts of a free man for well over 4 years – sitting on a sofa, or at a table which had been properly laid, all of which was luxury to us. Before we left Frau Kromer, for that was their name, invited us again, with any friends we wished to bring for 3 ‘o’ clock, when she would have some suet dumplings and meat & gravy cooked for us. To anyone who understands the food situation in Germany, this was tremendously generous of her as only the most fortunately placed (or racketeering!) families have anywhere near enough food for their own requirements. On arriving back in the farm it seemed as though our dreams of 3 ‘o’ clock were completely shattered. The Hauptramm had been up and announced that some English had been seen in the village, & if any more went out they would be shot on sight. However, the thought of the blog at Frau Kromer’s was too much for us & away we went at 2:45, the 3 of us & Ray.


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