Showing posts with label Samurai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samurai. Show all posts


Life in feudal Japan (1185-1868) was characterized by a hierarchical social order with the emperor at the top, followed by the shogun, daimyos, samurai, and finally the peasants. The samurai, who made up the warrior class, were privileged and held political and military power. Peasants, who made up the majority of the population, were often poor and worked the land. Society was highly structured and regulated, with strict codes of conduct and behavior. However, there was also a rich cultural heritage, with flourishing arts, literature, and religion. Despite its strict social order, feudal Japan was a time of great change and growth, marked by significant political and cultural developments.

A samurai in red against a plain white background

I've been playing around with themes that I find amusing, and generating images using AI and then making short video clips. I've been using Davinci Resolve for about 7 years, since version 12, and it's developed into a tremendous video editing and grading platform, with equally good audio-post production abilities.

DaVinci Resolve is a professional-level video editing and color correction software developed by Blackmagic Design. It is used for post-production work in the film and television industry, as well as for professional video editing and color grading in other fields.The software features a wide range of tools for editing and refining video, including cut, trim, and splice tools, as well as audio editing capabilities. In addition, DaVinci Resolve is known for its powerful color correction and grading tools, which allow users to adjust the color and tone of their video footage to achieve a specific look or mood.
The software is available in several versions, including a free version (DaVinci Resolve Lite) and a paid version (DaVinci Resolve Studio), which includes additional features and tools. The software is widely used by professionals in the film and television industry, and has been used on numerous feature films, television shows, and commercial projects.


What's not to like about an origami Samurai? Beautiful and complex, I love this image

Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. The goal of origami is to transform a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques, without cutting, gluing, taping or marking the paper. Origami has a rich history and is a popular hobby around the world. It can range from simple models such as cranes, boats and flowers to complex designs that can be quite intricate and beautiful. Origami has also inspired many modern forms of paper art and engineering, including the design of deployable structures for space exploration and medical devices.

I've been quietly obsessed with all things Samurai lately, and have been generating a lot of images on this theme. 
The samurai class in feudal Japan, also known as bushi, were members of the military nobility in pre-industrial Japan. They were the elite warrior class that served the daimyos (feudal lords) and the shogun (military dictator) during the period of Japanese history known as the Feudal Era (1185-1868). The samurai were known for their strict code of conduct, known as bushido, which emphasized loyalty, courage, and honor.

The samurai were well-educated and were expected to be proficient in both martial arts and literary arts. They were also expected to be knowledgeable in the Chinese classics and Confucianism, which were considered the foundation of their education. Samurai were not only warriors but also administrators, they were responsible for governing the territories they were given by their daimyos or shogun.

Samurai were considered members of the upper class and were granted privileges such as the right to bear arms and to own land. They were also given stipends by their lords and were expected to provide military service in times of war. In return for these privileges, the samurai were expected to be loyal to their lords and to defend their territories.

The samurai class was abolished in 1868 after the Meiji Restoration, which marked the end of the Feudal Era in Japan and the beginning of a new period of modernization and westernization. However, the legacy of the samurai lives on in modern Japanese culture, where the ideals of bushido and the samurai code of conduct are still revered and admired.

I'm experimenting with combining zombies and samurai warriors. I'm using an AI art generator, called MidJourney. AI art refers to artwork created by algorithms and artificial intelligence systems, either through direct manipulation by a human or through autonomous processes. This can include everything from generative visuals and music to AI-generated paintings and sculptures. AI art is often created using machine learning algorithms and neural networks that are trained on existing art and design data, allowing them to create new works based on that training. The results can range from stylistically similar to human-created art to completely unique and unprecedented forms of expression.

Midjourney is an AI art project that utilizes machine learning algorithms to generate abstract images. The project is created by a team of artists and programmers who use a variety of techniques, such as neural networks and generative algorithms, to produce the artworks. These images are said to be inspired by natural phenomena such as landscapes, clouds and oceans, and can be seen as a visual representation of the workings of the mind. The art produced by the project is meant to be contemplative and thought-provoking, encouraging the viewer to consider the relationship between technology and nature.

The everyday Samurai is a series of images featuring a samurai warrior going about his life in the modern world. It's just for amusement! 

let's learn a bit about the Samurai warrior of old first though, back in the feudal days of Japan. Samurai warriors were a social class in feudal Japan, serving as military nobility and the personal retainers of the country's rulers. They were trained in martial arts and were expected to follow a strict code of ethics known as bushido. Their duties included:

  1. Protecting their lords and serving as their personal guards.

  2. Maintaining order in their local areas, serving as law enforcement.

  3. Participating in military campaigns and battles.

  4. Representing their lords in negotiations and other diplomatic affairs.

  5. Maintaining a sense of discipline and moral behavior to uphold the honor of their lord and themselves.

In addition to their military duties, samurai were also expected to be cultured and well-educated, with a strong emphasis placed on literary and artistic pursuits.