Showing posts with label bayberry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bayberry. Show all posts

 The noble German Shepard dog. 

To break up the recording my latest book, Indian Whispers, I've been tinkering with anthropormorphising various animals in MidJourney... I've got a German-Shappard-Chihuahua cross called Captain (and no, I don't know how that happened, I assume no eye contact). Since tyre German Shepherd has a long history of being used in law enforcement and military capabilities, I felt it fitting to show man's best friend geared up for the job!

The German Shepherd, also known as the Alsatian, is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, and it has a rich history in law enforcement and military applications.

The German Shepherd breed was developed in the late 19th century by Captain Max von Stephanitz, a former German cavalry officer, who was looking to create the perfect herding dog. He aimed to create a dog with intelligence, strength, and loyalty that could work in a variety of situations. He succeeded in his goal, and the German Shepherd breed quickly became popular among farmers and ranchers for their herding abilities.
In the early 20th century, German Shepherds were employed as police dogs in Germany. Their intelligence, loyalty, and strong work ethic made them ideal for police work. They were used for tracking criminals, detecting narcotics, and serving as watchdogs. The German Shepherd quickly became the preferred breed for police work and remains so to this day.

During World War I, the German army recognized the breed's potential and began using them as sentries and messengers. They proved to be highly effective, and their use in the military continued into World War II. German Shepherds were used by the German army for various tasks, including locating wounded soldiers, carrying messages, and even detecting mines.

After World War II, the German Shepherd's reputation as a working dog continued to grow. In the United States, the breed was used for police work, search and rescue, and as guide dogs for the blind. German Shepherds were also used by the US military during the Vietnam War to locate enemy troops and detect booby traps.

Today, the German Shepherd remains one of the most popular breeds for law enforcement and military applications. They are highly trainable, versatile, and reliable working dogs that excel in a variety of tasks, including search and rescue, bomb detection, and patrol work. The breed's reputation as a working dog has also made it a popular choice for families looking for a loyal and protective companion.

 I am like a kid in a sweetshop with Midjourney! I love it! Your imagination is your only limit, and it seems my imagination is unlimited... this time it's a grasshopper in a 2000AD style illustration.. 

Grasshoppers are insects that typically live for several months to a year, depending on the species and environmental conditions. They begin life as eggs, which are laid in the soil or on plant material. After hatching, they go through several stages of development as nymphs, shedding their skin several times before reaching adulthood.

As adults, grasshoppers are active during the day and feed on plant material, using their powerful hind legs to jump up to 20 times their body length. They play an important role in many ecosystems as a food source for other animals, and can be both beneficial and harmful to crops depending on the situation.

In colder regions, grasshoppers may die off in the winter, while in warmer areas some species may survive year-round. Overall, the life of a grasshopper is characterized by a relatively short but active and important role in the ecosystem.


A victorian Gen reading a paper
A victorian Gent reading

Have a look at this! I've been tinkering with creating a video comic that is tictok friendly! Tell me what you think!

Graphic novels are books that use sequential art and text to tell a story. They are a hybrid of comic books and traditional novels, and often use the visual language of comics to convey both narrative and emotional elements. Graphic novels can cover a wide range of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, science fiction, and more. They can be aimed at children, young adults, or adults, and can tackle complex themes and subject matter.

Graphic novels are often published in bound volumes and are distinct from comic books, which are typically serialized and released on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Graphic novels allow for longer, more in-depth storytelling and are often considered a legitimate form of literary expression. They have gained widespread recognition and popularity in recent years, and many graphic novels have been adapted into movies, television shows, and video games. My very favourite graphic novel, and also my favourite big-screen movie adaptation of a comic, is Watchmen. 

 "Watchmen" is a graphic novel written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Dave Gibbons. It was first published in 1986 and is widely considered one of the greatest graphic novels of all time. The story takes place in an alternate history version of the United States, where masked vigilantes were once used to fight crime, but have since been outlawed. The plot revolves around a group of retired superheroes who are brought back into action when one of their own is murdered.

"Watchmen" is known for its dark, complex narrative and mature themes, which address political, social, and philosophical issues such as the morality of power, the nature of justice, and the impact of vigilantism. The art style and use of visual elements, such as the iconic "clock" symbol, also add to the book's impact.

The graphic novel has had a significant impact on popular culture and is often cited as a major influence on the superhero genre. It has been adapted into a film, a video game, and a television series, and has inspired countless other works in comics, movies, and television. Overall, "Watchmen" is a seminal work that continues to be widely read and celebrated for its innovative storytelling, mature themes, and iconic art.


Bayberry Books logo, with Headphones and a wreath of bayberries and leaves

So, I've got myself a new logo for Bayberry Audiobooks. I love it, simple, clean, and yes those are bayberries.

Why have I chosen the name Bayberry? Well, to be honest, it was the name of my local pub!! I spent some time trying to concoct a clever name, and in the end I tied myself in knots. 

Bayberries were historically used to make bayberry candles, as the wax from the berries is fragrant and burns cleanly.

Bayberry bushes are a popular choice for landscaping, as they are tough, low-maintenance plants that can tolerate salt spray and grow in a variety of soils. They can grow up to 15 feet tall and produce fragrant, greenish-yellow flowers in the spring. The leaves are glossy and dark green, and the plant provides year-round interest with its showy fruit and attractive bark.

Bayberries are also valuable to wildlife, providing food and shelter for a variety of species including birds, small mammals, and insects. Bayberries are a good choice for gardeners who want to create a wildlife-friendly habitat in their yard.

 I've begun production ion a new audiobook, Indian Whispers, by Sumandip Jolly. I can't wait to see what happens in this story - it's about two brothers from the UK who travel to India to learn about their heritage, and each other. 

The everyday Samurai is a series of images featuring a samurai warrior going about his life in the modern world. It's just for amusement! 

let's learn a bit about the Samurai warrior of old first though, back in the feudal days of Japan. Samurai warriors were a social class in feudal Japan, serving as military nobility and the personal retainers of the country's rulers. They were trained in martial arts and were expected to follow a strict code of ethics known as bushido. Their duties included:

  1. Protecting their lords and serving as their personal guards.

  2. Maintaining order in their local areas, serving as law enforcement.

  3. Participating in military campaigns and battles.

  4. Representing their lords in negotiations and other diplomatic affairs.

  5. Maintaining a sense of discipline and moral behavior to uphold the honor of their lord and themselves.

In addition to their military duties, samurai were also expected to be cultured and well-educated, with a strong emphasis placed on literary and artistic pursuits.